
Hello friends—

Yesterday was the first official date of Fall. A dear friend shared a beautiful quote from, “Abbey of the Arts” with me and I want to pass it onto you.

“The autumn equinox is a time when the sun rests above the equator, and day and night are divided equally. It heralds a season filled with change, celebrates the harvest, and ushers in the brilliant beauty of death. Autumn is a season of transition, of continual movement.” —Christine Valters Paintner

At the end, the writer asks the following: “In this season of change, what changes are you being called to make? Where are the thresholds you are being called to move towards?”

Today is my mom’s birthday! She would have been 74, she is in Heaven and I know she’s with God! It’s been eight years since I last saw her, spoke with you, or felt her embrace. I miss her every single day and my grief is ever changing and I’m ok with that. Although my moms physical presence is gone, I have continued to grow and learn from her because of her character. Family was the most important thing to her, she loved deeply, cared with compassion and stood on her principles always. She was resilient, stubborn, supportive, independent and strong. I continue to strife to be the daughter, she dreamed I would grow up to be. I have embraced who she was and accepted who I am; a beautiful concoction of everything good and pure from both of my parents. Today, if you still have your mom or someone who has been like a mother/mom to you, say “thank you” & “I love you” to them today. I am sad that I cannot enjoy a mother/daughter friendship as adults, but also extremely proud and blessed that God gave me my mom for as long as it was possible. I think of her and smile often. Thoughts of her are HAPPY ones. Thank you for sharing this special day with me. I heard the song posted below yesterday on the radio and it made me think of the times I spent with my mom and brother when, I was very young. I giggled at the images dancing in my head, remembering making up songs and singing them. Running and playing in the yard, mom taking us on fishing trips and letting us keep the ones we caught no matter the size. She was a terrific mom and she loved us with all she had.

ειρήνη– “Peace” in Greek, reference listed the below.





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