Lent 2020: Week 2 Recover

Friday, March 6th, 2020

This week we have been talking about RECOVERY. Have you experienced recovery(?), sure you have…we all have for a variety of reasons. Recovery in my opinion is neither positive or negative, it is required. Athletes go through a recovery period every single time they compete whether it be practice or the actual event. Artists also need recovery, it my be from an acting performance, a musician, an artist,etc. as human beings our physical make up requires rest, relaxation and recovery. This is absolutely true for and in our spiritual journeys as well. Following Jesus and living the life as a Christian is not an easy path to follow. It is definitely worth it but it can be very difficult and even dangerous. God promises to always be with us and to never leave us. He comforts us and teaches us. The journey of following Jesus is an all-in endeavor and is so rewarding.

Blow are some great first steps from Rev. Sam McGlothlin:

• Take things one day at a time.

• One hour at a time.

• One step at a time.

We are surrounded by God and His teachings of good and grace-filled ways for our life.

God has gone before us.

God is within us.

God is behind us.

Practice for today is to read aloud Psalm 25:4-5

“Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long.”

ειρήνη – “Peace” in Greek, reference listed below.

~Peace~ειρήνη~Charlotte 🌻





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