Sunshine Blogger Award #1

I was nominated by Beverley at becomingtheoilandwine

Published by Beverley

Beverley has been serving the Lord since she was a child. At an early age, she recognized that God had a special plan for her life, but it was not until in her adulthood that she surrendered her total life to God and accepted the mandate that God placed on her life. The Lord called her into His Kingdom to be an encourager, intercessor, teacher, scribe, priest, and to proclaim the Word of God. Since then, Beverly has established a blog to teach us to become the oil and wine. The oil and wine are purified and mature products, which is the advanced level that the Lord expected of us. In 2017, Beverley published her first book, Harm Not The Oil And Wine. In it, she described her trials and how God helped her to overcome them, and to live more victoriously. The book also exposed the enemy of our souls with detailed information about his past defeats and future extinction. Wright spents most of her time studying the Bible to know the truth of God’s Word. She believes that only God’s truth can expose the deception of the enemy, and uproot and tear down spiritual strongholds. You can learn more about Beverley’s life and testimony on her website You can also find her on Facebook and Google+ under the name of her blog, and on Twitter as @Theoilandwine.View all posts by Beverley

The Sunshine Blogger Award Rules

Beverley’s Questions To Me:

  1. Do you consider yourself a people person?
  2. What is the best thing that you like about yourself?
  3. How do you spend your free time?
  4. Have you read through the Bible and can you memorize scripture verses?
  5. What is your opinion about the coronavirus pandemic?

My Answers to Beverley’s Questions:

  1. Yes, I enjoy my quiet time alone but I need people. Socially engaging with my family and friends helps me emotionally and spiritually.
  2. I like my eagerness to learn..
  3. I love taking pictures of nature, I like to read, I like to write, I love eating out in restaurants, driving my car in remote places seeing the beauty of God’s creation.
  4. I have not read the Bible cover to cover in chronological order. I have read portions of each book of the Bible but not in it’s entirety. I would like to accomplish this in the future. I memorized many verses as a kid in Sunday School and while attending a Christian High School as well as a Christian College/University. Many are still easy to recall.
  5. COVID-19 has disrupted the entire globe and affected so many people. I am cautious in stating a personal opinion because I do not want to sway anyone in any one direction. I will say that we have a real opportunity to renew/refresh ourselves and how we treat others through this pandemic. People matter and Words matter! We should see this as a way to unite as humans, no one is exempt from this disease, no one person is more important than another. We are all God’s children and we should starting treating one another as siblings and not enemies.

Thank you Beverley for this nomination and award, I am honored for the recognition. I am so thankful for my dear friend, JJ who encouraged me and prayed for me as I began this new journey. I am continually astonished at the individuals around the world reading my blog, living in places that I can only wish to visiting some day. This is the work of God, I am blessed to be a messenger and vessel to share the love and promises of God to the world.

~Peace, Charlotte

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